Wilwood Disc Brakes is pleased to announce a new proportioning valve mounting bracket kit
specifically designed to go with their combination proportioning valve (P/N 260-11179), and tandem
master cylinder (P/N’s 260-8555, 260-8556, or 260-9439).
This kit is designed to make mounting/installing your proportioning valve a snap. Kit comes with
precision bent stainless steel fluid tubes with preinstalled stainless tube nuts for a simple bolt-on
installation between the proportioning valve and the master cylinder. Stainless steel button head
fasteners attach the proportioning valve to the bracket. Attach the lines, bleed the system, and your
There are two kits available. The retrofit mounting bracket kit (P/N 220-13189), includes the bracket,
fluid tubes, mounting hardware and spacers. The complete mounting bracket kit (P/N 260-13190)
includes all the mounting hardware plus a combination proportioning valve.
Wilwood proportioning valve and associated components are loaded with features and technology
built from decades of domination in world motorsports, and the proven reliability of Zero Parts Per
Million (PPM) defect quality supply to leading OE manufacturers around the world. These
components not only enhance the appearance of your vehicle, but offer years of care free
For more information contact: Wilwood Engineering at (805) 388-1188 and request to speak with
Erika Gordillo for marketing issues, or Andy Fritts for technical questions. Also, Wilwood’s website is
accessible at www.wilwood.com or e-mail customerreply@wilwood.com.